My case manager is . . .

My Case manager

When case management is working well

My case manager:

  • Has worked with me to identify my goals and the services I need to support me in achieving them.
  • Has high expectations that everyone can and should enjoy the good life (and is not just planning to meet my basic needs or fit me into existing services).
  • Places me at the centre of the planning for achieving my goals.
  • Sees me as someone who is a member of a community – with family, friends, social networks, work and education opportunities and so on.
  • Helps coordinate the various services and agencies that I work with so that they work together as a team to support me in achieving my goals.
  • Explained what attendant care is.

Making sure the safety net holds

As a case manager my role is different every single day depending very much on the clients with whom I’m working at any given time and their needs.

I see my role as a case manager as providing clients with initial guidance, because often we become involved with clients when they are still in hospital. And that’s a really good from my perspective, that’s my preferred means at starting a relationship with the client because it means that we travel home with the client, if you like.

That’s a huge transition from being in that very secure medically oriented environment when they have very serious health condition to going home. It’s a bit like jumping into freefall and not being sure if the safety net is going to hold.

So, I guess I see my job as making sure the safety net holds and supporting the client not only through that transition from hospital to home but then in setting up all the therapies that they may need when they go home, in organising the funding through life time care for the services that they need be that care, or home modifications, or therapy, or anything really that is related to their injury.

We are problem solvers and hopefully in doing our job we take a lot of the stress and pressure of both the clients and their family, particularly the family if it’s a young client, a child.

Case Manager


Case managers (19 mins)


JUDY:  As a case manager my role is different every single day depending very much on the clients with whom I’m working at any given time and their needs.

JANE: My role as a case manager I see it as a project manager really. Putting together lots and lots of pieces.

LIZ: The role of the case manager is really to synthesize and I guess coordinate all the services that the client is receiving in the community.

JUDY: I guess I see my role as a case manager as allowing the clients or providing the clients with initial guidance, because often we become involved with clients when they are still in hospital. And that’s a really good from my perspective, that’s my preferred means at starting a relationship with the client because it means that we travel home with the client, if you like. And that’s a huge transition from being in that very secure medically oriented environment when they have very serious health condition to going home.

Case Managers